Version 2.11
- lower case please!
- station name + doy + '0.' + yy + ('o' or 'd')
- Examples:
- station name is test
- day of year is 235
- the year is 2021 (Rinex 2.11 only uses last two digits of the year)
- the last field is o for observation or d for Hatanaka
- Z or gz compression allowed (and strongly encouraged)
Version 3
- Upper case except for extension
- You must gzip your files.
- Hatanaka allowed (but not required)
- Examples:
NABG00NOR_S_20220130000_01D_30S_MO.crx.gz (Hatanaka)
- NABG00NOR is the station name
- followed by _R_ or _S_
- Then year and day of year (here 2022 and 013)
- Any sampling rate is allowed on the filename