API to find Multi-GNSS RINEX3 Files

This API searches at archives for files that look like this:



WARNING: This API no longer supports searching for files at UNAVCO.

Parameter Description Default
station9 character station nameuser must supply
year4 character yearuser must supply
doyday of yearuser must supply
archivecddis, bkg, bev, epn,ga,gfz,nrcan,sonelchecks them all
sampleratereceiver sample rate (sec)default is 30.
streamdata source (R or S)default is R. automatically checks for the other

Example: for the station at0100usa, the year 2022, day of year 13:



"archive_requested": "bkg",
"doy": 13,
"help": "use curl -OJ and make sure you have double quotes on the address.",
"requestStatus": "A nominally compliant request.",
"station": "warn00deu",
"urlAddress": "https://igs.bkg.bund.de/root_ftp/IGS/obs/2022/013/WARN00DEU_R_20220130000_01D_30S_MO.crx.gz",
"year": 2022

curl -OJ to download

Example: for the station mchl00aus, the year 2022, day of year 13:



  "archive_requested": "all",
  "doy": 13,
  "help": "use curl -u anonymous:EmailAddress -O --ftp-ssl and make sure you have double quotes on the url.",
  "requestStatus": "A nominally compliant request.",
  "station": "mchl00aus",
  "urlAddress": "ftp://gdc.cddis.eosdis.nasa.gov/gnss/data/daily/2022/013/22d/MCHL00AUS_R_20220130000_01D_30S_MO.crx.gz",
  "year": 2022

To download the file:
curl -u anonymous:youremail@idunno.com -O --ftp-ssl "ftp://gdc.cddis.eosdis.nasa.gov/gnss/data/daily/2022/013/22d/MCHL00AUS_R_20220130000_01D_30S_MO.crx.gz"

If you had specified GA:


  "archive_requested": "ga",
  "doy": 13,
  "help": "use curl -OJ and make sure you have double quotes on the url.",
  "requestStatus": "A nominally compliant request.",
  "station": "mchl00aus",
  "urlAddress": "https://geodesy-archive-permanent-storage-prod.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/....",
  "year": 2022

To download the file:
curl -OJ "https://geodesy-archive-permanent-storage-prod.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/...."

Example: for the station nabg00nor, the year 2022, day of year 13:


  "archive_requested": "bev",
  "doy": 13,
  "help": "use curl -OJ and make sure you have double quotes on the url.",
  "requestStatus": "A nominally compliant request.",
  "station": "nabg00nor",
  "urlAddress": "https://gnss.bev.gv.at/at.gv.bev.dc/data/obs/2022/013/NABG00NOR_S_20220130000_01D_30S_MO.crx.gz",
  "year": 2022
Notice how the character after the station name is S instead of R?

Example for non-existent file:


"archive_requested": "cddis",
"doy": 13,
"requestStatus": "A nominally compliant request.",
"station": "xxxx00usa",
"urlAddress": "File not found.",
"year": 2022


Kristine M. Larson, February 2022